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There are places people should not go.

At the edges of maps, cartographers used to draw tiny krakens, pixies and other eldritch sprites under legends such as "Here be dragons" to ward off those who's hearts yearned for adventure, but quivered at the thought of danger.

Some, however, read such statements and see them as a challenge. Daring where others would see daunting.

Some people just have to know. And sometimes they find something incredible, fame and fortune and renown the world over showered upon them.

And sometimes they don't come back.


The Eastern forests stretched like diaphanous green mould from horizon to horizon. There are no paths between those trunks, no roads and no villages. No way faring inns, no blacksmith to fix that broken blade and no farrier to reshoe the horse now long since drowned in a quagmire. Only darkness.

And in the darkness, monsters.

Sylvia lifted her eyes and looked to the heavens. It was raining, droplets spattered her face and though she was weak, she opened her mouth and angled her head as best she could to catch them. Who knew when her next drink might come.

She could only move her head. Had she had full use of her arms and legs this still would have been the case, she was so weak now, so weak and so desperately tired. She had stumbled, hunger-mad and famine blind even then, straight into the snare that hoisted her between the impossibly tall trunks of the ancient forest, up here to the canopy.

Where her captor had been waiting.

She felt the twang-twang-twang beneath her feet as something ahead of her stirred, something wonderous and terrifying in equal measure. Something that was coming closer.

"You are awake..." came a voice like the rasp of a razor through silk.

Sylvia shut her mouth and swallowed the meagre mouthful of rain water.

"Sleep well?" the voice was high, girlish, and punctuated with at first a giggle, then a groan.

"what... What have you done?"

The creature stepped lightly, eight chitinous legs moving in delicate tandem picked their way slowly across the criss crossing strands of the enormous web, something plucked straight from childish nightmare. There was so very much to be afraid of. Black carapace covered the long, needle like legs which jointed to a squat body arranged on a horizontal, joined to the front of this was pale skin, and from this emerged the body of a woman. But no woman Sylvia had ever seen before.

She loomed large over the ensnared warrior, her upright human body as long as Sylvia was tall, making her over ten feet in height total. From the crown of her head jet black hair wove into tresses that coiled about her upper body, twisting and spilling over the bare breasts, each bigger than a wine skin and perfectly, unnaturally pert.

Beneath that was something far from human.

Her stomach distended in a great bloom of ash pale flesh, large enough for wo people to curl up inside, squashed though they might be, it hung low and full on her arachnid hips, the navel a strange dark speck on an otherwise flawless but enormous orb.

Large enough for two to curl up inside...

Sylvia watched in horror as a bulge rose and fell on the grand swell of the glutted abdomen.

"A bear... I had to break it before I ate it... Just in case." the creature smiled, a gesture that made Sylvia's skin creep. The teeth were so perfect. The creature ran a hand over its own gut, a hand that unlike a humans was encased in a diamond hard shell jointed at the finger knuckles with the same oily looking black musculature as the legs. The pointed fingertips clacked as she moved them.

"Why do you let me live... Kill me..." Sylvia's voice was hoarse, bound as she was with the same thick thread that made up the creatures web her berth came rigged and snatched.

"Who knows when the next meal might stumble by..." the creature purred. "Besides... Live food is such a treat..."

The creature leaned forward to run a cold, sharp finger along Sylvia's cheek, but abruptly straightened up as her belly let out a sorrowful moan of complaint. It seemed to object to her squashing it even slightly with the movement.

"Ha... Eyes to big for your stomach...quite a feat." Sylvia chuckled.

"What does that mean? My stomach is so large, so perfect!" the creature seemed affronted by the remark, cradling her tummy protectively.

"it means you've over stuffed yourself. You look like you're about to burst."

The creatures pallid cheeks flashed red, it's eyes narrowed.

"it will not pop, you do not know such things, little worm. You wriggle wriggle in my web, yes, as so many have before, all going to make my belly so big and so fat. Pop? I could swallow you up, one gulp, and not even notice!"

Sylvia's mind began to work... Perhaps there was a way to curtail the agony.

"You boast, but words are easy. You say you ate a bear? Impressive, but when that tummy of yours splits it will be the end of you. Looks like I won't have to wait long, it sounds like its struggling..."

The creature reared up on its eight grotesque limbs, flexing them menacingly. "still you insult me, still! When I am so big, and you so little, I have eaten whole bear. Whole bear! No pop!" she slapped her gut for emphasis, leaving a pink hand shaped welt and abusing the food stuffed bloat to creak ominously.

"see, ready to explode. Your too fat already, if you swallowed me... Boom." Sylvia smiled.

The creature extended the front two limbs of its spider body and plucked the bound warrior from her web, lifting her up to eye level. Passed the massive churning plane of her tummy, passed the heaving fullness of her breasts. Her face was flushed crimson with fury.

"Words are easy? This is easier still..."

With a motion so quick it blurred the eye she shoved Sylvia's head into her mouth. Her neck jerked back, lifting her skyward, before with a muscular spasm from her neck the girl slid down her throat, down down into the abyssal blackness within.

"Oooooohhh... So big..."

She staggered, drunk almost, so full and heavy that the swollen bloat at her waist offset her balance, her eight legs frantic to keep her upright. Her hands frantically rubbed and massaged the pained swell, her tummy so gargantuanly overstretched the skin appeared several shades lighter than the rest of her, looking a ghostly white. The tortured orb hung teardrop shaped from her body, sloping outward from immediately beneath her breasts, tucking in at the base of her torso.

Her legs moved, this way and that, shifting her weight. As they did so, the flexible web beneath her shifted and rolled like the deck of a ship in a storm, swaying alarmingly. The trees it was anchored to began to bend and creak in protest, branches snapping, roots moaning.

Twang twang twang.

The creature stopped, pricking up her ears, listening over the sound of her belly's shouts and moans for the sudden new noise.

Twang twang twang.

She looked down at her stomach, thinking this the culprit, before realising it came from below even the outrageous horizon of her midriff.

Twang twang SNAP SNAP SNAP

The threads of the web gave, the rigging undone, and where once beneath her eight kes there was a floor, now there was only the plummet toward the ground.

She felt, as she began to fall, the awesome weight of her own girth. Like and anchor, it dragged her inexorably down like a hook in the mouth of a fish, the centre of her mass so heavy her whole body dragged along behind it, almost vestigial to her precious belly.

She was calm, however, a little surprised, but calm. This wasn't the first time her web had broken, nor did she intend it to be the last. Instinct kicked in and from the spinner at the back of her spider abdomen, tiny despite it's bulbous shape when compared to her stomach, a fine filament shot upward into the branches

The ground was rushing up to meet her as she felt it slip from a branch tip, before firing again.

Closer the ground came, closer still, so close she could smell the moss and dead leaves, mere feet from her face...

There was a snap as the cable went taught, the thicker than normal web line anchored to a gnarled trunk.

She felt gravity release her.

Well, almost all of her.

The weight of her tummy, not one to disregard the laws of nature, continued to fall. No mere rope of sticky web could halt its downward descent, despite still being clearly attached to the bloated spider.

The creatures eyes widened, her hands shooting to her belly as she felt all the weight inside it bear down on the paper thin skin that encased it.

"No no no... Too fat, too fat! Stupid girl was right... My tummy, no!"

She cried out in anguish, a keening sound that echoed through the forest, but to no avail.

The weight inside her thrust hard against the tiny dimple of her belly button, and just for a second it flattened out into a dark whorl n the otherwise featureless, now bright red flesh of her massively over fecund stomach.

There was a ripping, awful pop and a scream that cut off abruptly as in a lightning moment stretchmarks rippled across the surface, the perfect sphere held for the merest moment, before the stretchmarks all opened and the spider's nightmarish stomach split at the seams.

Sylvia found herself in daylight, shaken awake by the thud of her body hitting the moss floor of the clearing.

She opened her eyes and saw the horror around her, before she looked up into familiar but lifeless eyes a few scant feet above her.

That night she roasted the remains of the bear and what she could not eat she speared on a curious long black lance that she was still carrying when she stumbled from the forest a week later, delirious and exhausted.

"Spiders" was all she said, and was the only thing she ever said about what happened to her in there, from then until the end of her days many years later.
Another one hour story trade... That took longer than an hour

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DirtyDan009's avatar
A Drider bursting story, eh? A man of culture, I see B-) (Cool)